Your search returned 4 results.

Kanshi Ram leader of the dalits by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: London Penguin 2014
Accession: 31151|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 324.209 2 NAR-K.

Dalit Virangnayen evam Mukti ki Chaah: uttar Bharat mein dalit sanskriti, pahchan aur rajneeti by
Language: Hindi
Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan 2014
Accession: 38375LR5013|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 305.568809542 NAR-D. AUD Library-Lodhi Road Campus (1)Call number: 305.568 809 542 NAR-D.

Dalit Virangnayen evam Mukti ki Chaah : uttara bhārat mein dalit sanskr̥ti, pahacān aura rājneeti by
Language: Hindi
Publication details: New Delhi Rajkamal Prakashan 2014
Accession: KP-5883|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Karampura Campus (1)Call number: 305.568809542 NAR-D.

Dalit assertion and the unfinished democratic revolution the Bahujan Samaj Party in Uttar Pradesh by Series: Cultural subordination and the Dalit Challenge; v. 3
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New Delhi Sage 2002
Accession: 923|
Availability: Not available: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus: Checked out (1).


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