Your search returned 14 results.

Vanity Fair by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton Compony 1994
Accession: 31498|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 823.8 SHI-V.

Tristram Shandy an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York w.w Norton & Compony 1980
Accession: 31518|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 823.6 AND-T.

Things Fall Apart by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W W Norton & Compony 2009
Accession: 31515|
Availability: Not available: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus: Checked out (1).

Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy authoritative texts of the country wife, the man of mode, the way of the world, the conscious lovers, the school for scandal; backgrounds, criticism. by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W W Norton & Compony 1997
Accession: 31508|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 822.052 MCM-R.

Portrait of a Lady an authoritative text, henry james and the novel, reviews and criticism by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W W Norton & Compony Press 1995
Accession: 31513|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 813.4 BAM-P.

Oliver Twist authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, early reviews, criticism by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 1993
Accession: 31517|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 823.8 KAP-O.

Great Expectations by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.W Norton & Compony 1999
Accession: 31521|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 823 ROS-G.

Frankenstein 1818 text, contexts, nineteenth-century responses, modern criticism by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 2012
Accession: 31497|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 823.7 HUN-F.

Faust interpretive notes, contexts, modern criticism by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New york w.w Norton & Compony 2001
Accession: 31496|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 832.6 HAM-F.

Dead Souls by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 1985
Accession: 31520|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 891.733 GIB-D.

Coleridge's Poetry and Prose authoritative texts, criticism by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 2004
Accession: 31495|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 821.7 HAL-C.

Canterbury Tales fifteen tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 2005
Accession: 31494|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 821.1 KOL-C.

Candide or, Optimism a fresh translation, backgrounds, criticism by
Edition: 2nd.
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.w Norton & Compony 1991
Accession: 31519|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 843.5 ADA-C.

Arabian Nights Alf laylah wa-laylah by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York W.W Norton & Compony 2008
Accession: 32665|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 398.22 MAH-A.


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