Your search returned 106 results.

Democratization and Civilian Control in Asia by Series: Critical studies of the Asia Pacific series; Critical studies of the Asia Pacific series
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan 2013
Accession: 22585|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 320.95 CRO-D.

Democratic Transformation and the Vernacular Public Arena in India by Series: Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York Routledge 2014
Accession: 33426|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 306.209 54 AHM-D.

Democratic phoenix reinventing political activism by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2002
Accession: 4896|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 323.042 NOR-D.

Democratic Inclusion : Rainer Baubock in dialogue by Series: Critical Powers
Language: English
Publication details: Manchester Manchester University Press 2018
Accession: 42220|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 323.042 BAU-D.

Democracy, Participation and Contestation civil society, governance and the future of liberal democracy by Series: Democratization Studies
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: London Routledge 2015
Accession: 27307|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 320.941 AVR-D.

Democracy Inside: participatory innovation in unlikely places by
Language: English
Publication details: New York Oxford University Press 2019
Accession: 43987|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 302.3 DZU-D.

Democracy in the Making the Open Forum lecture movement by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Lanham University Press of America 2012
Accession: 24365|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 323.042 097 3 MYE-D.

Deliberation, participation and democracy can the people govern? by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan 2007
Accession: 5131|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 321.8 ROS-D.

Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric : the texture of political action by Series: Studies in rhetoric and culture
Language: English
Publication details: New York Berghahn 2015
Accession: 40336|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 306.2 HAR-C.

Crowds and Politics in North Africa Tunisia, Algeria and Libya by Series: Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: New York Routledge 2014
Accession: 24443|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 320.961 KHA-C.

Crossed Swords Pakistan, its army, and the wars within by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Oxford Oxford University Press 2008
Accession: 16962|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 954.91 NAW-C.

Critical Theory at a Crossroads: conversations on resistance in times of crisis by
Language: English
Publication details: New York Columbia University Press 2018
Accession: 44661|
Availability: Items available for reference: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus: Not for loan (1)Call number: 303.3094 CAU-C.

Critical Theory at a crassroads : conversations on resistance in times of crisis by
Publication details: New York Columbia 2018
Accession: KP-9061|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Karampura Campus (1)Call number: 303.3094 CAU-C.

Cosmopolitan Communications: cultural diversity in a globalized world by Series: Communication, society, and politics
Language: English
Publication details: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2009
Accession: 45172|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 303.4833 NOR-C.

Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa by
Material type: Text Text
Language: English
Publication details: Woodbridge Tamesis 2014
Accession: 27189|
Availability: Items available for loan: AUD Library-Kashmere Gate Campus (1)Call number: 863.6 KOL-C.


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