Beyond Marx theorising the global labour relations of the twenty-first century / [electronic resource] :
edited by Marcel van der Linden and Karl Heinz Roth ; in collaboration with Max Henninger.
- Boston : Brill, 2013.
- 1 online resource (532 p.).
- Historical materialism book series ; 56 .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Marcel van der Linden and Karl Heinz Roth -- The many-headed hydra : reflections on history from below / Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker -- Seamen on late eighteenth-century European warships / Niklas Frykman -- Class-warfare : primitive accumulation, military revolution and the British war-worker / Peter Way -- The shifting Maelstrom : from plantations to assembly-lines / Ferruccio Gambino and Devi Sacchetto -- Workerism : an inside view : from the mass-worker to self-employed labour / Sergio Bologna -- Workers and working classes in contemporary India : a note on analytic frames and -- Political formations / Subir Sinha -- Revolutionary subjectivity, the limit to capital / Detlef Hartmann -- Housewifisation : globalisation : subsistence-perspective / Maria Mayes -- Notes on elder-care work and the limits of Marxism / Silvia Federici -- Cornelius Castoriadis's break with Marxism / Jean-Louis Prat -- A theory of defeat : Marx and the evidence of the nineteenth century / Ahlrich Meyer -- Poverty, labour, development : towards a critique of Marx's conceptualisations / Max Henninger -- What is sold on the labour-market? / Thomas Kuczynski -- In and for itself : freedom : on the historical tendency of a renewed critique of the political economy of labour / Sebastian Gerhardt -- The "fragment on machines" and the grundrisse : the workerist reading in question / Massimiliano Tomba and Ricardo Bellofiore -- Revolution from above? : money and class-composition in Italian operaismo / Steve Wright -- Marxism after the death of gold / C. George Caffentzis -- From the mass-worker to cognitive labour : historical and theoretical considerations / Carlo Vercellone -- Results and prospects / Karl Heinz Roth and Marcel van der Linden -- Bibliography -- Index.
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